Delegate rate: £420 - £900
代表费率:£420 - £900
Programme Overview 项目概述
在接下来的三天里,Brainbox Initiative将举办一场关于经颅聚焦超声(TUS)技术的全面研讨会。这次研讨会将Verhagen实验室、Donders研究所和UCL生物医学超声小组领域的世界领先的学术和技术专家聚集在一起,为参与者提供设计、设置、执行和分析他们自己的TUS研究的扎实理解。
Topics Covered 涵盖的主题
TUS Overview/Introduction: Explore the fundamental principles and physiology of transcranial ultrasound neuromodulation.
Neurophysiology and Biomechanism: Gain insights into the intricate relationship between neurophysiology and biomechanics in the context of TUS techniques.
TUS Safety: Understand the safety considerations associated with transcranial-focused ultrasound, covering both animal and human applications.
Protocols & Effects: Examine different protocols for transcranial ultrasound stimulation and their effects on brain activity and neuromodulation.
Confounds & Experimental Design: Learn about potential confounds in TUS studies and gain insights into experimental design strategies to mitigate them.
Simulations and Planning / Water Tank Measurement / Transducers: Acquire practical knowledge on simulating and planning TUS experiments, including water tank measurements and an exploration of different transducers.
Plasticity, State Dependency, Plasticity: Deepen your understanding of plasticity in the context of transcranial ultrasound stimulation, including state dependency and its potential for inducing plastic changes in the brain.
Multimodal Design: Experience live, practical demonstrations of multimodal TUS in action, including the combination of transcranial ultrasound stimulation with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) setups and imaging methods.
Transducer Coupling: Explore the coupling between different brain imaging and stimulation techniques and gain insights into their potential synergistic effects.
Safety Screening: Gain an understanding of safety screening procedures and protocols to ensure the well-being of participants during TUS experiments.
Hands-on Sessions 实践操作课程
Transducer Coupling: Engage in hands-on activities to understand the principles and techniques involved in coupling various brain imaging and stimulation methods.
Bring Your Own Experiment: Participants have the opportunity to bring their own TUS experiment ideas and receive guidance on experimental design, confound mitigation, stimulation protocols, safety considerations, and transducer design and technical aspects.
Experimental Planning - Simulation: Learn how to effectively plan and simulate TUS experiments, optimizing parameters for optimal results while adhering to safety guidelines.
实验规划 - 模拟:学习如何有效地规划和模拟TUS实验,优化参数以获得**结果,同时遵守安全指南。
TPO Control: Explore the principles of experimental control and learn how to implement TUS experiments with precise and accurate control.
Navigation: Explore and get hands-on experience of running TUS sessions in combination with NIBS navigation.
Overview of Speakers 演讲者概览
Benjamin Kop 本杰明·科普
Ben是来自**的Donders研究所的博士生,他为聚焦超声(FUS)神经调控领域带来了丰富的知识和专业技能。拥有心理学坚实的背景和认知神经科学研究硕士学位的Benjamin对大脑、神经调控和运动系统的热情在他的工作中显而易见。Benjamin的研究专注于将经颅超声刺激(TUS)应用于运动系统,探索其在理解和调控皮质兴奋性方面的潜力。我们非常高兴能与Benjamin Kop合作,他的专业知识和奉献精神无疑将丰富研讨会,并为参与者提供有关FUS神经调控的宝贵见解。
Sjoerd Meijer 斯约尔德·迈耶
Sjoerd,一位雄心勃勃的博士生,致力于在焦虑症背景下研究电路级神经影像学和神经调控。凭借在医学神经生物学的坚实基础和对大脑复杂性的深入理解,Sjoerd的研究探索了大脑刺激技术如何缓解人类的焦虑。通过利用***的方法,如经颅超声刺激(TUS)和双站经颅交流电刺激(tACS),Sjoerd旨在揭示神经调控对接近-避免行为的潜在抗焦虑效果。我们很高兴有Sjoerd Meijer作为我们研讨会的一部分,因为他在FUS神经调控方面的专业知识和他对理解焦虑症的承诺将极大地惠及研讨会参与者。
Soha Farboud 苏哈·法布德
索哈,一位充满热情的博士研究生,通过她在认知神经调控领域的研究,为工作坊带来了独特的视角。在**研究者Lennart Verhagen和Hanneke den Ouden的指导下,索哈的专长在于探索纹状体在动机决策中的作用。通过使用非侵入性技术,如经颅超声刺激(TUS),索哈研究动机、决策过程和纹状体之间的复杂相互作用。她的创新方法和对推进我们对认知神经调控理解的执着使她成为工作坊中不可或缺的一员。我们很高兴能与索哈·法布德合作,因为她的专业知识和研究贡献将大大提高所有工作坊参与者的学习体验。
Dr Elly Martin 马丁博士,艾莉
艾丽是一位杰出的研究员,也是英国研究与创新未来***奖学金(UKRI Future Leaders Fellow)的获得者,她在伦敦大学学院(UCL)的医学物理和生物医学工程系任职。她的研究主要集中在超声波场的测量和模拟、超声设备的设计和特性描述上。她目前正在开发一种用于冷冻保存生物细胞和组织的超声重温技术,旨在实现均匀且快速的加热。艾丽的工作涉及水听器测量和声场模拟之间的定量比较,特别是在经颅超声治疗中。她作为英国标准协会和IEC超声技术委员会的成员,积极参与标准的制定。此外,她还参与了国际经颅超声刺激安全和标准联盟的工作。艾丽的专业知识和奉献精神极大地推动了医疗应用中超声技术的发展。